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Whether you are a member of the WAP or simply interested in psychoanalysis, this site is for you. From one continent to the other, you will find here precious archives and the latest news of psychoanalysis of the Lacanian Orientation in the world. Keep up to date with our events, publications… and much more. Enjoy the discovery!
It seems to me that a new era is beginning in psychoanalysis, which I would summarise with the following slogan: all Lacanians!
Jacques-Alain Miller, El nacimiento del Campo Freudiano.
The World Association of Psychoanalysis is, in some way, the “plus-one” of the Schools representing what we have in common.
Jacques-Alain Miller, El nacimiento del Campo Freudiano.
I find it more interesting to think of this School assembly in relation to the analytic session than to think of it from a sociological perspective, as an assembly of members of a liberal profession.
Jacques-Alain Miller, “Sur le mutualisme”, Comment finissent les analyses.
Always, from the outset, the Lacanian orientation has been the anti-Babel, it has been the possibility of communication between psychoanalysts, and with the public; it is the pursuit of the great analytic Conversation, a conversation not too unworthy of that of mathematicians or even of philosophers.
Jacques-Alain Miller