The World Association of Psychoanalysis

The World Association of Psychoanalysis is a consequence of Dr Jacques Lacan’s teaching as it has become widespread throughout the world. It is the first international association since that founded by Freud, which brings together psychoanalysts in an orientation that carries J. Lacan’s battle. It is the second worldwide network after the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA).

The WAP is an association under French law (law 1901). Its headquarters are at 5 rue de Lille, in Paris.

Characterised by the diversity of languages ​​and styles, its objective is to develop and keep psychoanalysis of the Lacanian orientation alive in the world. It intends to work towards progress in study (research activities) and psychoanalytic practice (constant evaluation of results and its progress) in accordance with the teaching of Jacques Lacan.

In each of its Schools, it encourages the creation of CPCTs, free Consultation Centres, so that psychoanalytic treatment remains within the reach of the general public. It is concerned with mental health legislation in the different countries in which it operates. The WAP is a UN non-governmental organisation.

Key Dates


Founded on 3 January 1992 in Buenos Aires, the Escuela de la Orientacion Lacaniana (EOL). Its headquarters are in Buenos Aires; it brings together sections, delegations, antennas and cartel circles in Argentina and in Uruguay.

The Paris Pact

The founding of the EOL paved the way for the creation of the World Association of Psychoanalysis, bringing together the present and future Schools of the Freudian Field. Approved immediately by the four Schools of the Freudian Field, it was declared on 1 February in Paris, when the Paris Pact was signed.

Founding of the EBP

Decision to create a Brazilian School: Escola Brasileira de Psicanalise, the first school founded from the WAP.


Creation of a Brazilian school, the Escola Brasileira de Psicanálise, on 30 April 1995 in Rio de Janeiro. It is composed of 7 sections distributed across Brazil.


The first two GAs served as Congresses, pending the holding of the first WAP Congress in 1998.


Creation of the Spanish School, the Escuela Lacaniana de Psicoanálisis (ELP), on 6 May 2000. Organised into 9 communities composed of sections in different cities of Spain. Declared of public utility in 2019.

Creation of the Nueva Escuela Lacaniana, on 18 July 2000. It is present in 9 countries of Latin America: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela, where it has 13 sections based in different cities.


Creation of the Italian School, the Scuola Lacaniana di Psicoanalisi (SLPCf) on 3 December 2002. Organised throughout Italy in city secretariats, it has its new headquarters in Milan since 2024.


Creation of the New Lacanian School on 16 July 2003. Present in 12 European countries, as well as Australia, Israel, Russia, the United States, Canada, Ukraine and Albania.


The EuroFederation of Psychoanalysis (EFP), composed of four European Schools (ECF, ELP, SLP, NLS), is the result of a mutation of the European School of Psychoanalysis, which became a Federation in 2008.


The change of statutes notably introduced the annual holding of the General Assembly.


Creation of the Federación Americana de Psicoanálisis de la Orientación Lacaniana (FAPOL) on 28 January 2012. This federation maintains the link between the three American Schools (EBP, EOL, NEL) recognised by the WAP.


On 16 October 2023, the WAP decides in an Extraordinary General Assembly to have the option of holding its General Assembly by videoconference.

7 Schools in the World

The WAP joined the Schools. When the WAP was founded, the following Schools already existed: the ECF, the Venezuelan School and the EEP (European School of Psychoanalysis). It was from the WAP and as General Delegate that J.- A. Miller encouraged the creation of: the Escola Brasileira de Psicanálise (EBP), the Escuela Lacaniana de Psicoanálisis (ELP), the Scuola Lacaniana di Psicoanalisi (SLP), the New Lacanian School (NLS), the Nueva Escuela Lacaniana (NEL) – the Venezuelan School having disappeared and the EEP having been redefined. In other words, without the prior creation of the WAP, these Schools would not have come into being.

The WAP recognises and brings together seven Schools located in 33 countries on different continents. The EuroFederation of Psychoanalysis (EFP) brings together four schools in Europe: ECF, ELP, SLP and NLS. The American Federation of Psychoanalysis of the Lacanian Orientation [Fédération Américaine de Psychanalyse d’Orientation Lacanienne (FAPOL)], brings together the three American schools in 12 Latin American countries: EBP, EOL and NEL.

The WAP leaves each of the seven Schools, among which its members are distributed, to their autonomy. It only intervenes in the second instance, at the level of three homologations: the end of analysis (nomination of Analysts of the School, AS) membership (members admission), and guarantee of practice (designation of Analysts Members, AMS).  The Schools organise their teachings and publications as they see fit. In addition, each member is free to teach individually and at their own risk.

To display the Schools, hover over the map.

EuroFederation of Psychoanalysis

The EuroFederation of Psychoanalysis (EFP) is composed of four schools: the ECF, the ELP, the SLP and the NLS. It is the result of a mutation of the European School of Psychoanalysis, which was created in 1990 and became a Federation in 2008. Its aim is to pool current questions and, if necessary, to coordinate the fight against certain health policies applied to mental health in the countries of the European Union.


Fédération Américaine de Psychanalyse d’Orientation Lacanienne

The Fédération Américaine de Psychanalyse d’Orientation Lacanienne (FAPOL) was created on 28 January 2012, with the ambition for disseminating Lacan’s teaching and defending psychoanalysis, in the diversity of social contexts it offers, in Latin America. The mission of FAPOL is to maintain close links between the three American Schools recognised by the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP) – the Escola Brasileira de Psicanálise (EBP), the Escuela de la Orientación Lacaniana (EOL) and the Nueva Escuela Lacaniana (NEL). It makes present the politics of the Lacanian orientation that animates the WAP in the twelve countries where it operates.

Scuola Lacaniana di Psicoanalisi del Campo freudiano

Founded in Milan in 2022, the Scuola Lacaniana di Psicoanalisi del Campo freudiano aims to transmit the knowledge of psychoanalysis in the field opened by Freud and in the wake of Jacques Lacan’s teaching, to offer it to scientific debate and to establish the qualification of psychoanalyst, as Lacan indicates in his Founding Act in 1964. It is present throughout Italy through its local secretariats, which carry out activities of formation and transmission in many Italian regions. From 2024, the SLPCf has its new headquarters in the centre of Milan.

Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Flanders, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Ireland (Eire), Israel, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, French-speaking Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom.
New Lacanian School

Created in 2003 by Jacques-Alain Miller, the New Lacanian School (NLS) is the most recent of the 7 Schools founded within the framework of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP). A member of the EuroFederation of Psychoanalysis, it is present is 12 European countries as well as in Australia, Israel, Russia, the United States, Canada, Ukraine, and Albania. The different languages, the particular history of each group, the singular background of each member – all this contributes to the diversity of the School within the unity of the WAP.

Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela.
Nueva Escuela Lacaniana

Founded in 2000, the Nueva Escuela Lacaniana (NEL) is present in nine Latin America countries: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela, where it has 13 sections in different cities. The NEL promotes work in cartels, seminars of formation, clinical and study days, as well as welcoming initiatives that the different local Libraries propose as a practical link in their place of Lacanian action.

Argentina, Uruguay.
Escuela de la Orientación Lacanian

Founded on 3 January 1992 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in parallel with the creation of the WAP, the Escuela de la Orientación Lacaniana (EOL) has made itself known and fulfilled its objectives through several mechanisms: The cartel, teaching, publications, an annual study day, and its library. Even though its headquarters are in Buenos Aires, it is composed of Sections, Delegations, Antennas, Cartel Circles in Argentina and in Uruguay.

Escuela Lacaniana de psicoanálisis

Founded in 2000, the Escuela Lacaniana de psicoanálisis is a continuation of the Founding Act pronounced by Jacques Lacan in 1964. Its objectives are to promote and develop psychoanalysis, to transmit its knowledge, to offer it to supervision and scientific debate. The School guarantees the psychoanalyst’s relationship with the formation that it provides. Organised in nine Communities with offices in different cities, its field of action is the whole of Spain. It encourages work in cartels, organises annual study days, supports several publications and a work of extension with the libraries of the headquarters. In 2019, it was declared a non-profit organisation of public utility in Spain.

École de la Cause freudienne

Founded in 1981, the l’École de la Cause freudienne has for aim the transmission of psychoanalysis, the formation of the psychoanalyst and the guarantee of their practice. It was founded in response to Jacques Lacan’s last institutional initiative, who was its president. The ECF was declared a public utility Association by decree on 5 May 2006. It is represented regionally by the Association de la Cause freudienne (ACF). It is not necessary to be a member to follow the teachings and participate in the activities of the School and in the regions of the ACF.

Escola Brasileira de Psicanálise

Founded in April 1995 in Rio de Janeiro, the École brésilienne de psychanalyse is composed of seven sections throughout Brazil. The objective of the EBP is to promote the development of psychoanalysis in Brazil, to contribute to the reestablishment of its truth and to transmit its knowledge. Its activities are coordinated with those of the Institutes of the Freudian Field. It collaborates with the Fédération Internationale des Bibliothèques du Champ freudien (FIBCF) and intends to create and develop libraries in each section to collect books, journals and documents of interest to psychoanalysis and its links with other fields.

The Congress

Every 2 years, the World Association of Psychoanalysis brings together its members and all those interested in psychoanalysis, in a Congress. It is an opportunity to bring together, across borders and languages, all those who wish to contribute to the analytic cause in the Lacanian orientation.

The Cartel

As early as the Founding Act in 1964, Lacan made the cartel the “basic organ” of his School as well as of the formation of the psychoanalyst. It involves a “sustained elaboration in small groups. Each group will be composed of at least three people, five at most, four is the right balance. PLUS ONE responsible for the selection, the discussion and the outcome to be accorded to the work of each”. Almost sixty years later, the vitality of this mechanism of work with others has never waned.

The Bodies


(Assemblée générale du 17/02/2024)

Christiane Alberti, présidente
Laurent Dupont, secrétaire
France Jaigu, trésorière

Commission Amérique : De Campos Sergio (EBP)
Commission Europe : Xavier Esqué (ELP)

Christiane Alberti (ECF)
Laurent Dupont (ECF)

Jorge Chamorro (EOL)
Gil Caroz (NLS)

Gladys Martinez (NEL)
Loretta Biondi (SLP)

Délégation jeunesse
Jérôme Lecaux (ECF) pour l’Europe
Andrea Zelaya (EOL) pour l’Amérique

Question trans
France Jaigu (ECF)

Clinique contemporaine
Jean-Pierre Deffieux (ECF)

Ana Lydia Santiago (EBP)

Secrétariat aux projets
Félix Rueda (ELP)

Panorama des médias et réseaux sociaux
Gustavo Stiglitz (EOL)


Christiane Alberti – Présidente

Membres du Conseil

Christiane Alberti (ECF), Guillermo Belaga (EOL), Sergio Campos (EBP), Jorge Chamorro (EOL), Carlo De Panfilis (SLP), Laurent Dupont (ECF), Xavier Esqué (ELP), Sandra Arruda Grostein (EBP), Pierre-Gilles Guéguen (ECF), Clara María Holguín (NEL), France Jaigu (ECF), Jérôme Lecaux (ECF), Bernard Seynhaeve (NLS), Gustavo Stiglitz (EOL), Oscar Ventura (ELP)


Christiane Alberti – Présidente

Laurent Dupont – Secrétaire

France Jaigu – Trésorière

Bureau élargi

Présidente – Christiane Alberti

Secrétaire – Laurent Dupont

Trésorière – France Jaigu

Secrétaires de la Passe – Christiane Alberti et Laurent Dupont

Secrétaire de la Commission de la Garantie- Europe

Xavié Esqué

Secrétaire de la Commission de la Garantie- Amérique :

Sergio Campos

EFP : Euro Fédération de Psychanalyse

Président – Guy Briole

FAPOL : Federación Americana de Psicoanálisis de la Orientación Lacaniana
Président – Ricardo Seldes

Radio Lacan

Liliana Mauas, Présidente, Silvia Salman, Directrice



Angelina Harari – Présidente

Membres du Conseil

Anna Aromí (ELP), Guillermo Belaga (EOL), Carlo De Panfilis (SLP), Sandra Arruda Grostein (EBP), Pierre-Gilles Guéguen (ECF), Clara María Holguín (NEL), Victoria Horne-Reinoso (ECF), Dominique Laurent (ECF), Jésus Santiago (EBP), Silvia Salman (EOL), Bernard Seynhaeve (NLS), Silvia Tendlarz (EOL), Oscar Ventura (ELP).


Angelina Harari – Présidente

Jésus Santiago – Secrétaire

Bureau élargi

Présidente – Angelina Harari

Secrétaire – Jésus Santiago

Trésorière – Dominique Laurent

Secrétaire de la Passe – Anna Aromí

Secrétaires de la Garantie – Pierre-Gilles Guéguen, Jésus Santiago

EFP : Euro Fédération de Psychanalyse

Président – Domenico Cosenza

FAPOL : Federación Americana de Psicoanálisis de la Orientación Lacaniana
Présidente – Viviana Berger

Radio Lacan: Liliana Mauas (Présidente), Silvia Salman (Directrice)



Angelina Harari – Présidente

Membres du Conseil

Christiane Alberti (ECF), Anna Aromí (ELP), Silvia Baudini (EOL), Santiago Castellanos (ELP), Raffaele Calabria (SLP), Angelina Harari (EBP), Victoria Horne-Reinoso (ECF), Dominique Laurent (ECF), Ram Mandil (EBP), Jésus Santiago (EBP), Silvia Salman (EOL), Piedad Ortega de Spurrier (NEL), Silvia Tendlarz (EOL), Yves Vanderveken (NLS).


Angelina Harari – Présidente

Jésus Santiago – Secrétaire

Dominique Laurent – Trésorière

Bureau élargi

Présidente – Angelina Harari

Secrétaire – Jésus Santiago

Trésorière – Dominique Laurent

Secrétaire de la Passe – Anna Aromí

Secrétaire des Homologations – Ram Mandil

Secrétaires de la Garantie – Christiane Alberti, Silvia Baudini

EFP : Euro Fédération de Psychanalyse

Président – Domenico Cosenza

FAPOL : Federación Americana de Psicoanálisis de la Orientación Lacaniana
Présidente – Flory Kruger

Radio Lacan :

Liliana Mauas, Présidente, Silvia Salman, Directrice



Miquel Bassols – Président

Angelina Harari – Vice-présidente

Membres du Conseil

Christiane Alberti (ECF), Silvia Baudini (EOL), Patricia Bosquin-Caroz (ECF), Guy Briole (ECF), Raffaele Calabria (SLP), Santiago Castellanos (ELP), Anne Ganivet-Poumellec (ECF), Ram Mandil (EBP), Fabian Naparstek (EOL), Piedad Ortega de Spurrier (NEL), Yves Vanderveken (NLS), Marcus André Vieira (EBP), Oscar Zack (EOL).


Miquel Bassols – Président

Guy Briole – Secrétaire

Anne Ganivet-Poumellec- Trésorière

Bureau élargi

Président – Miquel Bassols

Secrétaire du Bureau et aux Homologations – Guy Briole

Trésorière – Anne Ganivet-Poumellec

Secrétaire de la Passe – Patricia Bosquin-Caroz

Secrétaires de la Garantie – Christiane Alberti, Silvia Baudini

EFP : Euro Fédération de Psychanalyse

Président – Jean-Daniel Matet

FAPOL : Federación Americana de Psicoanálisis de la Orientación Lacaniana
Président – Flory Kruger


Miquel Bassols – Président

Membres du Conseil
Antonio Beneti (EBP), Patricia Bosquin (ECF), Guy Briole (ECF), Domenico Cosenza (SLP), Carmen Cuñat (ELP), Anne Ganivet-Poumellec (ECF), Anne Lysy (NLS), Jean-Daniel Matet (ECF), Fabián Napartsek (EOL), Juan Fernando Pérez (NEL), Luis Tudanca (EOL), Oscar Zack (EOL), Miquel Bassols (ELP), Marcus André Vieira (EBP).

Miquel Bassols – Président

Guy Briole – Secrétaire

Anne Ganivet-Poumellec – Secrétaire de la trésorerie

Bureau élargi
Président – Miquel Bassols
Secrétaire – Guy Briole
Secrétaire de la trésorerie  – Anne Ganivet-Poumellec
Secrétaire des homologations – Carmen Cuñat
Secrétaire de la passe – Anne Lysy
Secrétaire de la garantie – Jean-Daniel Matet

EFP Euro Fédération de Psychanalyse
Président – Jean-Daniel Matet

FAPOL Federación Americana de Psicoanálisis de la Orientación Lacaniana
Président – Mauricio Tarrab


Leonardo Gorostiza – Président
Miquel Bassols – Vice-président

Membres du Conseil
Elisa Alvarenga (EBP), Antonio Beneti (EBP), Domenico Cosenza (SLP), Anne Lysy (NLS), Carmen Cuñat (ELP), Pérez (NEL), Pierre-Gilles Guéguen (ECF), Philippe La Sagna (ECF), Jean-Daniel Matet (ECF), Dominique Miller (ECF), Leonardo Gorostiza (EOL), Graciela Musachi (EOL), Juan Fernando , Mauricio Tarrab (EOL) y Luis Tudanca (EOL).

Président – Leonardo Gorostiza
Secrétaire – Mauricio Tarrab
Secrétaire  de la trésorerie  – Dominique Miller

Bureau élargi
Président – Leonardo Gorostiza
Secrétaire – Mauricio Tarrab
Secrétaire de la trésorerie  – Dominique Miller
Secrétaire des homologations – Carmen Cuñat
Secrétaire de la passe  – Anne Lysy
Secrétaire de la garantie – Philippe La Sagna


Leonardo Gorostiza – Président
Miquel Bassols – Vice-président

Membres du Conseil
Elisa Alvarenga (EBP), Antonio Beneti (EBP), Domenico Cosenza (SLP), Anne Lysy (NLS), Carmen Cuñat (ELP), Pérez (NEL), Pierre-Gilles Guéguen (ECF), Philippe La Sagna (ECF), Jean-Daniel Matet (ECF), Dominique Miller (ECF), Leonardo Gorostiza (EOL), Graciela Musachi (EOL), Juan Fernando , Mauricio Tarrab (EOL) y Luis Tudanca (EOL).

Président – Leonardo Gorostiza
Secrétaire – Mauricio Tarrab
Secrétaire  de la trésorerie  – Dominique Miller

Bureau élargi
Président – Leonardo Gorostiza
Secrétaire – Mauricio Tarrab
Secrétaire de la trésorerie  – Dominique Miller
Secrétaire des homologations – Carmen Cuñat
Secrétaire de la passe  – Anne Lysy
Secrétaire de la garantie – Philippe La Sagna


Éric Laurent – Délégué général

Membres du Conseil
María Hortensia Cárdenas (NEL), Gil Caroz (NLS), Xavier Esqué (ELP), Marco Focchi (SLP), Nora Gonçalves (EBP), Laure Naveau (ECF), Vicente Palomera (FEEP), Mónica Torres (EOL). Leonardo Gorostiza (EOL), Flory Kruger (EOL), Lilia Mahjoub (ECF), Maurizio Mazzotti (SLP), Jésus Santiago (EBP).

Secrétaire – Gil Caroz
Secrétaire de la trésorerie – Xavier Esqué


Éric Laurent – Délégué général

Membres du Conseil
Miquel Bassols, Romildo do Rego Barros, Jean-Daniel Matet, Ronald Portillo, Ricardo Seldes,Jesus Santiago, Flory Kruger, Maurizio Mazzotti, Lila Mahjoub y Leonardo Gorostiza.

Manuel Fernandez Blanco (Secrétaire)
Antonio Di Ciacia, Secrétaire de la trésorerie


Graciela Brodsky – Délégué Général

Membres du Conseil
Miquel Bassols, Marie- Hélène Brousse, Romildo do Rego Barros, Luis Erneta, Germán García, Pierre- Gilles Guéguen, Jean-Daniel Matet, Ronald Portillo, Ricardo Seldes, Luis Solano.

Éric Laurent, Homologations
Alexandre Stevens, Secrétaire de la trésorerie
Mauricio Tarrab, Secrétaire


Graciela Brodsky  – Déléguée général

Membres du Conseil
Arenas Alicia, Brousse Marie-Hélène, Erneta Luis, García Germán, Grasser Yasmine, Gueguen, Harari Angelina, Nepomiachi Ricardo, Palomera Vicente, Solano Luis.

Mauricio Tarrab  – Secrétaire
Alexandre Stevens  – Secrétaire de la trésorerie
Éric Laurent – Responsable de la Commission des homologations


Miller Jacques-Alain – Délégué général

Membres du Conseil
Arenas Alicia, Briole Guy, Brodsky Graciela, Grasser Yasmine, Harari Angelina, Nepomiachi Ricardo, Renno Lima Celso, Stevens Alexandre, Tizio Hebe

Flory Kruger  – Secrétaire
Carole Dewambrechies-La Sagna – Trésorière


Jacques-Alain Miller – Délégué général

Membres du Conseil

Briole Guy, Brodsky Graciela, Cevasco Rithée, Horne Bernardino, Klotz Jean-Pierre, León Vivas Eduardo, Renno Lima Celso, Sawicke Oscar, Stevens Alexandre, Tizio Hebe.


Ricardo Seldes  – Secrétaire

Carole Dewambrechies-La Sagna – Trésorière


Jacques-Alain Miller – Délégué général

Membres du Conseil
Cevasco Rithée, Di Ciaccia Antonio, Forbes Jorge, Horne Bernardino, Indart Juan Carlos, Klotz Jean-Pierre, León Vivas Eduardo, Sawicke Oscar, Silvestre Daniele.

Ricardo Seldes – Secrétaire
Colette Soler – Trésorière

Après l´assemblée générale de Barcelone, quatre membres intégrés en 1994 se sont retirés ; cinq ont été désignés  à ce moment-là, désignés par la Fondation du Champ freudien. Leur nombre est passé ainsi à dix. Ce IVe Conseil remplira ses fonctions entre 1998 et 2000.


Jacques-Alain Miller – Délégué général

Membres du Conseil
Basz Samuel, Di Ciaccia Antonio, Forbes Jorge, Indart Juan Carlos, Kizer Manuel, Leguil Francois, Salinas-Roses Joan, Daniele Silvestre.

Miquel Bassols – Secrétaire

Éric Laurent – Secrétaire

Colette Soler – Trésorière

Pendant la Rencontre de Buenos Aires, en 1996, les membres qui avaient été désignés en 1992 ont permuté. Ce sont les Conseils de chacune des écoles qui ont choisi les membres entrants. À ce moment-là, les intégrants du Troisième Conseil étaient au nombre de neuf.


Les membres du premier Conseil de l´AMP étaient les signataires du Pacte de Paris (dont sept ont été choisis par les écoles existantes ; il s’est ajouté à eux un délégué général).

Jacques-Alain Miller – Délégué général

Membres du Conseil
Basz Samuel, Chamorro Jorge, Clastres Guy, Kizer Manuel, Laurent Eric, Leguil Francois, Salinas-Roses Joan.

Miquel Bassols – Secrétaire
Colette Soler – Trésorière

En 1994 ont quitté le Conseil, par tirage au sort : Jorge Chamorro et Éric Laurent. Les quatre membres intégrés alors ont été désignés par la Fondation du Champ freudien.