The Freudian Field

The Freudian Field is an orientation, one that everyone can draw from the teaching of Jacques Lacan – paved in the path of Freud’s discovery of the unconscious – for their research, their practice, their existence. As Jacques-Alain Miller explains, the Lacanian orientation is a compass for interpreting the discourses of our time. In the Freudian field, everyone does their bit (Lacan) and reaps what they sow, along with a few others, in multiple networks around the world.

The Freudian Field Foundation* (La Fondation du Champ freudien) was created by Jacques Lacan in 1979 for the reconquest of the Freudian field. It is at the disposal of all those, known and unknown, who, throughout the word, are oriented by the teaching of Jacques Lacan and wish to continue with him in their practice as well as their research, in their country, their language, their culture.

To this end, following on from the École de la Cause freudienne, Jacques-Alain Miller created six other Schools of the Lacanian Orientation, which are now part of the World Association of Psychoanalysis.

The Foundation houses the Institute of the Freudian Field (Institut du Champ freudien) and the International Federation of Libraries of the Lacanian Orientation (Fédération internationale des bibliothèques d’orientation lacanienne – Fibol), runs several Networks of the Freudian Field, offers seminars or workshops to established groups, opens a window to Central and Eastern Europe in particular, and welcomes projects for new initiatives.

The International Encounters

Initiated by the Foundation of the Freudian Field, the International Encounters are being held every two years: an American encounter (Enapol) organised by the Federación Americana de Psicoanálisis de la Orientación Lacaniana (Fapol) and a European congress (Pipol), organised by the EuroFederation of Psychoanalysis (EFP).

The Institute of the Freudian Field

The Institute of the Freudian Field recognises, in different countries, the structures where teaching is provided from the perspective of a transmission of the most current aspects of psychoanalysis, in articulation with the School: each one offers the progressive acquisition of theoretical and clinical tools of the Lacanian Orientation and invites research.

It is expanding in Europe (Uforca in France and Belgium, Spain, Italy, etc.), in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil), and in the INES for the countries of the NEL. Initiatives continue to be launched and recognised throughout the world.


The Fédération internationale des bibliothèques d’orientation lacanienne encourages the constitution of psychoanalytic libraries and favours the exchanges between them throughout the world. It facilitates the circulation of publications of the Freudian Field and also drives the conversation with related disciplines.

The Freudian Field Networks

Study groups do not stop springing up around the School once it has been founded, but also in countries where psychoanalysis had hitherto been ignored, even banned, and also in countries where health bureaucracies are turning a deaf ear to what anyone is saying in the name of a “common good”.

The Foundation welcomes them in conversation within many international networks. Mainly the TyA network (toxicomania and alcoholism) and the Réseaux Enfance du Champ freudien (CEREDA – Centre for study and research for the child in the analytic discourse, CIEN – Interdisciplinary centre for the child), whose work is oriented by the biannual theme of study of the Institut psychanalytique de l’Enfant du Champ freudien. It solicits and makes known the work of psychoanalysts and professionals who find support in Lacan’s teaching for their practice with children and adolescents..


Some colleagues set up Groups of the Freudian Field, supported in their desire to pursue the Lacanian Orientation by the Foundation, which then organises local Seminars of the Freudian Field with them. In particular, a window to central and Eastern Europe has opened up, thanks to pioneers who worked on the possibility of practising and disseminating psychoanalysis in their countries, accompanied by the NLS-FCF East Coordination.


« Champ freudien » is also the name Lacan gave to the collection he founded at the Seuil publishing house in 1966, when his Écrits was published. This was followed by the publication of his Seminar, for which he entrusted Jacques-Alain Miller with the task of establishing the text.

*The status of the Freudian Field Foundation is that of an association (under the French law of 1901) and its purpose is non-profit-making. Jacques Lacan entrusted the responsibility for it to Judith Miller, president from 1981 to 2017. The association is currently presided by Jacques-Alain Miller, with Eve Miller-Rose as Secretary and Anne Ganivet-Poumellec as Treasurer.